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- Clinically Tested,
- Helps Control Carbohydrates,
- Dietary Supplement,
- Your Lean is in the Bean.
Phase 2 White Kidney Bean Extract Clinically Tested to Help
- Promotes Healthy Body Weight,
- Aids your body in stocking Fewer Carb Calories,
- Reduce the enzymatic digestion of dietary starches.
Studies Recommend:
- From 1000 to 3000mg of Phase 2 White Kidney Bean; one to two doses prior to, or with eating a carb-rich meal,
- 2000 kcal/diet per day & 30 mins. of walking (5 days per week).
Optimum results occurred between 8-12 weeks.
Control It! White Kidney Bean
Phase 2 White Kidney bean Extract is the first all-natural, non-stimulant extract clinically shown to help control carbs.
Carb Intercept helps control your weight when used in conjunction with a sensible diet and exercise program.
Energize It! Chromium
Chromium helps:
- Metabolize Fats,
- Metabolize Carbohydrates,
- Metabolize Proteins.
Collections: Digestive Health, Fiber, Health & Wellbeing
Category: Digestive Health, Fiber, Health & Wellbeing, Special Formula