
Cellucor Cor-Performance Glutamine

Cellucor Cor-Performance Glutamine

- Supports Muscle Cell Recovery,
- Restores Glutamine Levels,
- Versatile and Stackable with other workout supplements for maximum results.

Cor-Performance Glutamine puts the edge in post-workout recovery. With 5g per serving of Glutamine, Cor-Performance Glutamine will help you replenish this important amino to help you recover faster and build stronger.

Glutamine is an amino acid that helps prevent muscle breakdown, supports lean muscle growth, and enhances recovery.

Beginner to advanced athletes require additional intake of glutamine to maximize their performance and optimize recovery.

Cor-Performance Glutamine promotes better recovery on its own, and complements a variety of goals and products, including C4 for pre-workout energy and Alpha Amino for even more intra- and post-workout support.
