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- Almost 3g of Spirulina per serving
- Ideal for people looking to get more green vegetables into their diet
- Wheat Grass, Chlorella, Broccoli, Spinach leaf, Acerola berry & more
- Boost intake of green foods
- Can be added to your protein shake
Greens pH-7 is a targeted super food blend that is naturally sweetened with Stevia extract. PhD Nutrition utilise a blend of 22 super foods, whole foods, fruit extracts, vegetable extracts and super fruits, to provide a product that is a vital addition to any nutritional plan. Modern diets consist of foods that have undergone a variety of processing techniques that may have stripped away the majority of the naturally-occurring nutrients. Greens pH-7 contains super foods such as Spirulina and Wheat grass, which provide naturally occurring chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals and amino acids, along with fruit powders such as Acerola Berry, known for providing one of the richest, natural sources of Vitamin C. Greens pH-7 also contains Chlorella, the famous Green Algae. Along with green vegetable extracts, Greens pH-7 also contains super fruit extracts such as Pomegranate, Apple fibre, Tomato, Elderberry and Blueberry. Greens pH-7 is ideal for followers of an alkaline diet.
PhD Greens pH-7 contains:
Almost 3g of Spirulina per serving: Blue algae, found in the tropical shores of south Asia. Spirulina rich in goodness, packed with vitamins, minerals, omega 3 oils, antioxidants and chlorophyll. It's the perfect way to de-stress & detox naturally.
Over 6% Wheat Grass:Wheatgrass is a food prepared from the cotyledons of the common wheat plant, Triticum aestivum. It is sold either as a juice or powder concentrate. Wheatgrass differs from wheat malt in that it is served freeze-dried or fresh, while wheat malt is connectively dried. Wheatgrass is also allowed to grow longer than malt is. It provides chlorophyll, amino acids, minerals, vitamins, and enzymes Wheatgrass is also very alkaline helping your body to balance its acidity levels.
Soy Lecithin, Alfalfa Grass and Chlorella:Chlorella is a genus of single-cell green algae, belonging to the phylum Chlorophyta. It is an attractive potential food source because it is high in protein and other essential nutrients. Alfalfa grass is high in protein, calcium, plus other minerals, vitamins in the B group, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, and vitamin K.
Broccoli, spinach leaf, tomato and carrot extract:Broccoli is high in vitamin C and dietary fibre; it also contains multiple nutrients with potent properties, such as diindolylmethane, selenium and Carotenoids. The 3,3'-Diindolylmethane found in broccoli is a potent modulator of the immune system. Carrot extract is rich in Beta Carotene and Tomato extract rich in Lycopene.
Collections: Health Foods, Vegetarian
Category: Health Foods, Vegetarian